BPA Chapter 2
Hambrick Business Professionals of America
Center Achievements
What Students Say About Their Experience in Hambrick's BPA
Our Officers
Hello my name is Julian Martinez and I am a 6th grader from Hambrick Middle School. The reason I joined Hambrick's BPA was that I wanted to learn more about business also I wanted to use it in the future.
Hello my name is Nathan Garcia and I am a 6th grader from Hambrick Middle School. The reason I decided to join BPA was because I wanted to try something new so I joined. I am really enjoying my journey with Hambrick's BPA. I would really like for more people to join BPA as it creates many lifelong memories.
Hello my name is Andrew Caldron and I am am a 6th grader from Hambrick Middle School. The reason I am a Hambrick Middle School's BPA Secretary is because I enjoy keeping track of the events of our BPA chapter.